Rest Up Review
Normal foods or behaviours can act Rest Up Review as obstacles to sleep: Caffeine and other chemical stimulants. Stress and anxiety from work, watching exciting TV programs (horror films for instance), reading really exiting novels in bed can all hinder sleep. You should look at removing any obstacles to sleep.For instance you should not consume a caffeinated drink such as coffee after about 1pm - try drinking decaffeinated coffee instead, at least after lunch. You should not consume alcohol within two hours of going to bed, as although it may make you drowsy initially it can inhibit sleep when you wake up in the middle of the night.The Insomnia sleep disorder is also known as Wakefulness or Dysomnia and is an inability to sleep, or to sleep for long enough to get a proper night's rest. The main effect of insomnia is that you feel constantly tired, irritable, and may have poor concentration and coordination. Sleep is necessary to repair the body and provide mental and physical rest - to recharge your batteries.
The amount of sleep needed by people varies: Babies need about 17 hours sleep a day, a child nine to ten hours per night, and an adult seven to eight hours each night, though that typically decreases as you get older. If you don't need much sleep, get up early to do things - don't spend too long in bed as this can help trigger insomnia. A typical sleep cycle has five stages: drowsiness, light sleep, two deep sleep stages followed by REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, where most dreams occur. This first five stage cycle usually lasts about 90 minutes. The REM stage for subsequent cycles may be longer. You may have five of these cycles in a typical night's sleep.
Chronic insomnia in children can have even more serious effects than with adults. Getting enough sleep is much more important for young children than for fully grown adults, as a childhood growth demands a healthy sleep cycle. You should not send a child to bed as a punishment as this may lead to insomnia due to a fear of being sent to bed. You should consider using a bedroom only for sleep, instead of also for play.